Probably, each of us has recipes that are interesting to us, but we always put off preparing them for one reason or another. I have a whole list of them!

For a long time, the cream cheese recipe topped this list. There were a lot of simple ways to make cream cheese at home in the notes, but I kept putting it off. I decided only when I got excited about the idea of ​​cooking it for the New Year’s table. The appetizer is simple and interesting, but it needed cream cheese to make it.

So, let's try to make cream cheese at home from the simplest and most affordable ingredients...

Option 1: Homemade sour cream cheese

You will need 400–500 ml of good fat sour cream. I prepare a double portion at once, and by “good sour cream” I mean the one that contains only cream and sourdough, and the taste of which you like in its natural form. I don’t think it’s worth saying that the fattier the sour cream, the tastier the cream cheese will be?!

A piece of gauze and, if desired, a pinch of salt will also come in handy.

Fold the gauze four times and place in a deep plate or sieve. Place sour cream on cheesecloth. If desired, you can add a pinch of salt.

I don’t add salt so that the cheese remains neutral in taste, and in the future it can be used to make both a dessert and a salty snack.

Tie the ends of the gauze and hang the resulting bag over the container for collecting the whey. If the apartment is not hot, you can hang it up and leave the “bag” in the kitchen. I'm a big proponent of putting cheese in the refrigerator anyway. If the refrigerator has wire racks, you can hang the cheese on them. I have glass shelves, so I assemble the structure, which you can see in the photo below.

Leave the cheese for 20-24 hours until all the whey drips out. I age the cheese for at least a day, but the cheese can be used as a spread on sandwiches after 16–18 hours. After 24 hours, homemade sour cream cheese is ready!

From 800 ml of sour cream with 21% fat content, you get 600–630 grams of cream cheese and approximately 200–250 ml of whey.

In its natural form, as a light aftertaste, you can feel the slight sourness inherent in sour cream, but once you add a little herbs, seasonings and spices, you won’t be able to distinguish it from the original!

You can add herbs and spices to the cheese to taste and use it as a sandwich mix. I made a “Monkey” cheese ball from this cream cheese (see link above).

Option 2: Kefir cream cheese

Another simple and affordable way to make cream cheese at home is to freeze and weigh out kefir.

Place the kefir packet in the freezer and leave for 4-8 hours until the liquid freezes completely. Kefir, of course, is better to take tasty, fatty, with a good composition (milk + kefir starter).

Fold the gauze 4 times and place on a sieve. Place the sieve in a container to collect the whey. Transfer the frozen kefir to cheesecloth and leave at room temperature for several hours.

Gradually, the block of ice into which the kefir has turned will melt. The whey will drain into the container, and almost creamy cheese will remain in the gauze, only while it is soft and still watery. Then the procedure is the same as in the first option - tie the gauze tightly in a knot and hang the cheese for 16-24 hours.

After about 20-24 hours, the soft, creamy cream cheese is ready. True, the yield of the product is much more modest than that of the sour cream version. From 950 grams of kefir with a fat content of 2.5% - 300–320 grams of cream cheese and 600–650 ml of whey.

Consistency and taste – delicate, creamy, creamy. As in the first variant, in its pure form there is sourness in the aftertaste. But considering how simple and inexpensive both options are, I think this is not critical.

The first thing I did with this cream cheese was make "". The homemade cream cheese cheesecake turned out great and my family couldn't even tell the difference.

Bon appetit!

Most people love cheese, preferring to use it not only during morning breakfast, but also in other dishes, both cold and hot. After all, cheese is a unique product - nourishing, tasty, healthy, and easily digestible.

But finding cheese suitable for vegetarians in retail chains is not easy; enzymes of animal origin are added to almost all types of cheese during production.

You shouldn’t give up your favorite product, there is always a way out.

Therefore, today we offer you a step-by-step recipe for making cream cheese at home, without chemicals, without animal enzymes, without preservatives.

Homemade cottage cheese made with your own hands guarantees not only the quality of the product, but also its excellent taste. Everyone you treat with your culinary creation will feel loved and cared for. There is no doubt that everyone will appreciate such a dish, because you need to put effort into its preparation.

And don’t be afraid of difficulties; making cream cheese at home with the step-by-step recipe that we present to you is not at all difficult. Even at home it is possible to make “hard” cheese.The main thing is that all the products necessary for making cheese are at your fingertips.

Homemade cream cheese is a high-calorie product, about 350 kcal.

100 grams of hard cheese contains:

  • Proteins – 26.0 mg;
  • Fats – 26.0 mg;
  • Carbohydrates – 3.5 mg;

And a large number of vitamins B, A, E, PP, essential macro- and microelements for the body - iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, as well as a whole complex of amino acids.

Homemade cream cheese: recipe and ingredients


  • Full-fat milk (not canned) – 1 liter;
  • Natural dry cottage cheese 0% or 5% – 1 kilogram;
  • Butter – 250 grams;
  • Sea salt – 1 teaspoon (slightly heaped);
  • Baking soda – 1 teaspoon (small heaped).


Before you start cooking, pay attention to important explanations:

  1. To make cheese, the cottage cheese must be natural, as dry as possible; the hardness of the cheese depends on these qualities of the cottage cheese.
  2. Next, utensils for making cheese - under no circumstances use utensils with a non-stick coating - the cottage cheese turns into a shapeless mass, far from the type of cheese. In enamel dishes, of course, you can make cheese, but the bottom burns very badly, washing the dishes is very problematic, and the cheese absorbs the burning smell. The best option is to make homemade cheese in a metal pan with a double bottom (5 liters) - the bottom will be slightly fried by the curd mass, but then it will easily wash off if you let the pan sit with water.
  3. In the beginning, until you gain the necessary experience and good results, try making cheese by reducing the ingredients in the proposed recipe, i.e. Divide the amount of each ingredient by 4 and take 1/4. A saucepan, accordingly, is enough for 1.5 - 2 liters.

So, making homemade cream cheese

Pour the milk into the pan and set it to heat, but without bringing it to a boil. As soon as the pan becomes hot and steam comes from the milk, add cottage cheese to the pan and quickly knead it with a slotted spoon so that there are no large lumps (small ones are allowed).

As soon as the milk has turned into whey, remove the pan from the burner without bringing it to a boil - this is very important.

We cover the colander with a triple layer of clean gauze so that the edges of the gauze hang down from the colander and place it in another pan/bowl (which is more convenient), but the container must be selected so that the colander is suspended and does not stand on the bottom.

We leave the cottage cheese for two or three hours in a colander to drain from the whey, covering it with the edges of gauze. Occasionally, use a slotted spoon to lightly press on the curd bag, helping the whey to drain. We take the bag by the edges of the gauze and squeeze the cottage cheese with our hands. The more whey drains, the harder the cheese will be.

While the curd is draining from excess moisture, prepare a mold for the cheese - it can be a round bowl with high edges (20 cm in diameter and 8 cm in height) - grease it with unrefined vegetable oil, this will give the cheese a special aroma.

Squeeze out the cottage cheese again, carefully grasping the edges of the gauze and rolling it into a ball.

So, the cottage cheese has stacked and become dense.

To make the cheese beautiful, you can grind the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, then its texture will be more uniform. If you do not twist the curd, the finished cheese will acquire a marbled color, which also looks attractive and appetizing.

Transfer the cottage cheese into the pan where the milk was, add butter, salt, soda, stir until smooth and begin heating at low temperature (there is no need to use high heat, otherwise the cottage cheese will immediately start to burn).

We immediately begin to knead the mass and do not leave the pan for a second - constantly knead the mass. The cottage cheese gradually begins to acquire a yellowish tint, its texture changes and begins to resemble a cheese mass. Knead while heating for about ten minutes until the texture of the mass approaches a homogeneous mass. Why about ten minutes? All housewives have different stoves with different temperature conditions, so it is necessary to monitor the cheese mass and as soon as it begins to turn from white cottage cheese into a mass with a light, amber tint, the cheese preparation is ready.

Very quickly pour the hot mixture into the cheese mold. We do this very quickly, because... the cheese immediately begins to harden. Leave the mold with the cheese to cool and harden for 6 - 8 hours on the kitchen table, at room temperature, but not in the refrigerator. It is necessary that the cheese cools naturally, without a sudden change in temperature.

Your delicious, healthy, homemade cheese is ready.

Have a nice meal, friends!

Recipe by Larisa Yaroshevich

Soft cream cheese - for breakfast for sandwiches, for dessert with cookies: prepare a healthy treat for the whole family!

  • Milk - 1 Liter
  • Cream (20%) - 400 Milliliters
  • Sour cream (20%) - 200 Milliliters

Take a dry and clean saucepan. Pour milk into it, add cream and sour cream. All foods should not be cold. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Then place the pan in a warm place for fermentation.

After about six hours the milk should have fermented. Make a cut in the shape of a cross on it, but do not mix it under any circumstances. Heat the milk mass on the stove, but do not bring to a boil. Cover the pan with a lid and place it again in a warm place for twelve hours to allow the cheese to ripen.

Place a colander in a clean, appropriately sized bowl. Cover it with gauze, which should first be folded four times. Pour the milk contents of the pan into a colander with cheesecloth.

Roll up the gauze and tie it into a knot. Hang it in any place convenient for you. Place a basin under the bundle. Whey will drain into it, which can later be used to prepare baked goods or okroshka. The cheese should drain for six hours.

After six hours, remove the cheese and remove it from the gauze. From the specified amount of ingredients you will get about eight hundred grams of cheese. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than five days.

Recipe 2: Homemade Mascarpone Cream Cheese

This recipe uses cream with 30% fat content, but 25% fat content can also be used. The most ideal option is to use 500 ml of 30% cream and 500 ml of 25% cream. Despite the relatively small number of ingredients, the process of preparing mascarpone cheese itself is quite time-consuming: without straining the product, you will spend about 1 hour. The recipe is for 9-10 servings.

  • Cream (30%) - 1 l;
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp.

First of all, we need to prepare all the necessary products: cream and lemon.

Prepare a dry pan with a thick bottom and pour the cream into it.

Now let's start preparing lemon juice. Take a lemon, cut it in half and squeeze the required amount of juice into a separate bowl (if you have a juicer, it is better to use it).

Place the saucepan with the cream on the fire. The cream must be heated to a temperature of 85 degrees (in no case should it be brought to a boil). We recommend using a food thermometer to measure the temperature. If you don't have a thermometer, keep a close eye on the cream so it doesn't boil. Keep the pan on the fire until the first small bubbles appear, as in the photo.

Remove the cream from the heat, add lemon juice and stir. The mass should thicken a little.

Meanwhile, prepare a large bowl, colander, and cheesecloth to strain the thickened cream. It is advisable to fold the gauze in 4-5 layers.

After this, put the thickened cream on the fire, heat to a temperature of 75-85 degrees for about 3 minutes. Cool the mixture to room temperature. After some time, the cream will resemble thick sour cream in consistency.

The resulting mixture should be filtered through cheesecloth or a linen towel. If you use a linen towel, there is no need to fold it in several layers. Pour the curd mixture onto the device and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours to drain the whey. You can also make a bag out of gauze, pour the curd mixture into it and hang it, for example, on a wooden spatula.

After the specified time, all the whey will drain and you will get cheese. The consistency should be similar to cream.

Place the finished mascarpone cheese into a small bowl.

Now the cheese can be served at the table or used to prepare various desserts. Mascarpone cheese goes very tasty with butter cookies (spread it with cheese and you will get a very tasty cake).

Recipe 3: How to Make Philadelphia Cream Cheese

Delicate, fatty Philadelphia cheese is made from sour cream and fermented baked milk.

  • Ryazhenka 4% fat – 500 ml.,
  • homemade sour cream or 25% fat - 400 gr.,
  • homemade kefir - 500 ml.

In the evening, put the fermented baked milk in the freezer, pour the sour cream into a bag, if you have homemade one in a jar. I made cheese only from these products, but in order to reduce the fat content of the finished product, feel free to add a packet of kefir to this pairing.

In the morning I take out the frozen bags. For them you need to prepare gauze with dishes - a tall bowl with a colander.

Frozen sour cream is easy to get out of the package (office file), but here’s how to get fermented baked milk out of a sealed package: cut the package crosswise and you’re done.

Place the frozen pieces in cheesecloth, cover with it and forget about them until the evening or until the mass has melted. To obtain a denser cream cheese, install a press.

By the evening you will have a “cake” like this. By weight it came out to 300 grams. Enough to make cream for a cake.

Recipe 4, step by step: sour cream cream cheese

In its natural form, as a light aftertaste, you can feel the slight sourness inherent in sour cream, but once you add a little herbs, seasonings and spices, you won’t be able to distinguish it from the original!

  • Sour cream 21-25% – 800 ml
  • Salt - optional

You will need 400–500 ml of good fat sour cream. I prepare a double portion at once, and by “good sour cream” I mean the one that contains only cream and sourdough, and the taste of which you like in its natural form. I don’t think it’s worth saying that the fattier the sour cream, the tastier the cream cheese will be?!

A piece of gauze and, if desired, a pinch of salt will also come in handy.

Fold the gauze four times and place in a deep plate or sieve. Place sour cream on cheesecloth. If desired, you can add a pinch of salt.

I don’t add salt so that the cheese remains neutral in taste, and in the future it can be used to make both a dessert and a salty snack.

Tie the ends of the gauze and hang the resulting bag over the container for collecting the whey. If the apartment is not hot, you can hang it up and leave the “bag” in the kitchen. I'm a big proponent of putting cheese in the refrigerator anyway. If the refrigerator has wire racks, you can hang the cheese on them. I have glass shelves, so I assemble the structure, which you can see in the photo below.

Leave the cheese for 20-24 hours until all the whey drips out. I age the cheese for at least a day, but the cheese can be used as a spread on sandwiches after 16–18 hours. After 24 hours, homemade sour cream cheese is ready!

Recipe 5: Yogurt Cream Cheese with Sour Cream

  • natural yogurt – 500 ml
  • sour cream - 300 gr

Recipe 6: Homemade milk cheese with cream

  • milk – 1 l
  • cream 20% – 400 ml
  • sour cream – 200 g

A few hours before making the cream cheese, remove all ingredients from the refrigerator to warm up slightly. Pour the milk and cream into a saucepan, add sour cream and stir until completely smooth. Leave the resulting mixture in a warm place until ripening. A dense clot should form on the surface. Depending on the quality of the selected products and the ambient temperature, the mixture can sour from 6 to 24 hours.

When a dense clot forms on the surface, use a thin knife to make cross-shaped cuts, reaching the bottom of the pan with the blade of the knife. Do not mix the contents!

Place the pan on the lowest heat and, covering with a lid, heat the mixture until hot. Do not bring the mixture to a boil under any circumstances. If it happens that the whey has already begun to boil, and the surface of the curd is still cold, turn off the heat for 5 minutes, then again begin to gradually warm the mixture until the surface of the curd becomes warm. Allow the finished cheese mass to cool and ripen for 12 hours.

After the required time, take a large bowl and place a sieve or colander on top of it. Line the surface of the sieve with gauze folded in four layers.

Pour the contents of the pan into a sieve over cheesecloth. Place the ends of the gauze towards the center, place a board or flat plate on top, and some weight (for example, a jar of water) on top. Place the resulting structure in the refrigerator so that the whey completely drains. This will take about 4 hours.

In total, the output was about 800 g of homemade cream cheese and about 800 g of whey.

Homemade cream cheese is very soft and tastes very close to mascarpone.

Remove the finished cheese from the sieve and store for 3-4 days in a tightly closed container.

Recipe 7: How to Make Egg Cream Cheese at Home

  • milk with a high percentage of fat content – ​​1 l;
  • low fat kefir – ½ l;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc. (or can be replaced with 5 quail eggs);
  • salt - a little more than ½ tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a teaspoon. (about a quarter).

Bring the milk to a boil and remove from heat. But we don’t give it time to cool, but immediately start cooking. The milk should not cool too much so that it curdles better. Add salt and granulated sugar to the milk.

We take the kefir out of the refrigerator in advance so that it is not cold; you can also warm it up a little, but not boil it, but so that it is warm, but does not lose its fermented milk properties. Then, stirring continuously, pour kefir into the milk. Continue stirring the mixture until the milk begins to curdle.

We take a colander, place it on a container for the whey (for example, a pan) and put 4 layers of gauze or a waffle towel in it. It is better to prepare a colander in advance so that the milk mass does not have time to cool too much. Place the mixture in a colander and let stand for 15-20 minutes to drain the whey.

Gently stir from time to time, but do not press on the curd mixture so that the whey flows faster than the glass, so the cheese will lose its tenderness.

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All recipes are carefully selected by the culinary club of the website website

Learn how to make great homemade cream cheese from cottage cheese. If you are expecting guests, then curd cream cheese is simply necessary to prepare a delicious and beautiful snack for the festive table. See how easy and simple it is. So, see the recipe below for homemade cream cheese.


To make cottage cheese cream cheese at home you will need:

  • a kilogram of fatty farm cottage cheese (this is very important, because low-fat cottage cheese will not melt);
  • 1 l. whole homemade milk;
  • one egg;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • from 150 to 300 g of butter, depending on the fat content of the cottage cheese.


  1. For these purposes, I use a pan made of food-grade aluminum (this way it won’t burn). Spread cottage cheese, pour milk.
  2. Heat the pan over low-low heat until the milk curdles and grains of curd begin to stretch.
  3. Drain the whey through cheesecloth or a fine sieve, leave the curd for 20-30 minutes until all the liquid has drained.
  4. Place the finished cottage cheese in a saucepan, add salt and egg.
  5. Using a blender, mix the mixture until smooth.
  6. Melt 100 grams of butter in a saucepan.
  7. Place the curd mixture into the melted butter and melt it, stirring constantly so that it does not burn. If the mass begins to “stick” to the walls of the pan, add more butter. The amount of oil depends on the fat content of the cottage cheese - the fresher it is, the more oil will go away. When almost all the cottage cheese has melted, use a spoon or even your hands to thoroughly knead the viscous mass - this will make the cheese more homogeneous and dense.
  8. Place the mixture in a mold (plate, ball, form a sausage), first cover it with cling film, cover or wrap the cheese with film, leave until completely cooled and hardened.
  9. This homemade cream cheese is good for a snack with semi-dry red wine, in salads and pizza, or just with a slice of fresh bread for breakfast. And absolutely all children love it, even ardent “opponents” of fermented milk. In addition, when preparing such cheese for your family, you will be completely sure that it contains only healthy and natural ingredients!

Bon appetit!

Watch the video below for another cream cheese recipe.

You can make cream cheese at home, and it turns out that this recipe is very simple! When I made homemade cream cheese for the first time, I was very surprised that this dairy product costs a lot of money in stores, although the financial costs are minimal.

To make cream cheese at home you only need two products, as well as diligence and patience. But the result will be impressive! You can prepare a lot of interesting vegetarian and other dishes from delicate, creamy cheese. I have already prepared rolls and sushi with avocado and cheese, sweet baskets, cheesecake, and I also often make sandwiches with homemade cheese, into which I mix finely chopped garlic, dill or parsley. In general, recipes can be very different; here only your ability and love of cooking will play a huge role.

What else I would like to pay attention to:

Homemade cream cheese is vegetarian! After all, it does not contain rennet (rennet is the last stomach of a cow, and the enzyme is used to ferment cheese). In our recipe, ripening occurs due to lemon juice.


  • 800 ml. 20% cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice

Making cream cheese at home

Pour cream (800 ml) with fat content (20%) into a small saucepan. Place them in a pre-prepared water bath. Gradually heat the cream to 80 degrees, stirring constantly. If you don’t have a thermometer (special, food grade), then just make sure that the cream gets hot enough, but doesn’t boil.

Then remove the pan from the water bath, add fresh lemon juice (1 spoon), mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula.

Stirring continuously, cook the cream and juice over low heat until a cream-like mass is obtained. Then turn off the heat and let the mixture sit undisturbed for twenty minutes.

Line the sieve with clean linen or cotton cloth. Transfer the mixture to a cloth and leave for forty minutes.

Then connect the ends of the fabric with a knot and hang it over an empty bowl for one hour.

Then place the cloth with the cheese on a sieve under pressure and refrigerate for eight hours.

Place the finished cream cheese in a container with a lid and keep in the refrigerator for two days.

After this time, the cheese will be completely ready, one might say, ripened. Now you can make sandwiches, sushi, bake cheesecake or other dishes that you usually prepare with store-bought cheese. By the way, cream cheese goes well with fresh sweet fruits, for example, you can cut slices of ripe juicy pear, melon, grapes, mango, strawberries onto a plate, add cheese, as well as nuts and honey to the fruit or berries.

Bon appetit!