
  • Instant noodles - 2 packs.
  • Semi-smoked sausage - 200 grams.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 grams.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Garlic.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Salt pepper.

Quick salad

Instant noodle salad belongs to the category of dishes that are prepared in a matter of minutes, and the result exceeds all expectations. In addition to the noodles themselves, you can add almost any product to the salad: smoked sausage, canned fish, vegetables, corn, eggs, cheese, etc.

The availability of basic ingredients allows you to prepare a new original snack every day, and, as practice shows, rarely does anyone guess what it consists of the first time.

Making instant noodle salad can be simple by including it in your daily menu, but if you experiment, the dish will be suitable for a holiday table. Noodles have good taste, they are nutritious, do not require long cooking, can be easily combined with many foods and are inexpensive.

You can make all kinds of Chinese salads from instant noodles, replacing traditional funchose with it.

There are a lot of recipes for instant noodle salads, and everyone can add their favorite ingredients to the appetizer, which is guaranteed to turn out delicious. Salads are prepared from both dry and boiled instant noodles.

You can take any vermicelli itself; the seasonings included in the kit are also sometimes added to salads. In this case, it is better to choose the flavor, for example, add noodles with the flavor of bacon, smoked meats, chicken, beef to a meat appetizer, and with a shrimp flavor to a fish appetizer. It is best to season an instant noodle salad with mayonnaise, and for the lean version, add vegetable oil with the addition of herbs and garlic.

Recipes with photos will help you prepare instant noodle salads for every taste, suitable for a variety of occasions.


Instant noodle salad with sausage is an easy to prepare and at the same time satisfying dish with a harmonious taste.

  1. Hard boil the eggs, peel when cool and chop with a knife.
  2. Break the noodles into a deep salad bowl with your hands.
  3. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, combine with vermicelli, and add eggs.
  4. Cut the sausage into small cubes or thin strips.
  5. Grate the cheese on a medium or fine grater.
  6. Combine all the ingredients, add crushed garlic and pepper, and add salt. You can also add the spices that come with the noodles here.
  7. Season the salad with mayonnaise, mix thoroughly and leave for 20-30 minutes so that the noodles are saturated with the sauce and become soft. When serving, you can add fresh herbs.

If you slightly change the recipe, you can prepare an instant noodle salad without cheese, but with a lot of carrots (3 pcs.), Sour cream is also suitable as a dressing. It's just as easy to make a carrot and instant noodle salad with cheese, but without the sausage.


An interesting version of instant noodle salad is crab. To prepare it, you should boil the eggs, chop them with a knife, finely chop the crab sticks, and pour boiling water over the vermicelli for 5-10 minutes.

Mix all ingredients, add corn, sprinkle with dill and salt, season with mayonnaise and stir. Instead of corn, you can add sweet red peppers. You can also add ham or boiled sausage and croutons to the crab noodle salad.

Instant noodle salad with garlic tastes similar to the well-known cheese appetizer, and is prepared quickly and easily.

  1. Crush the vermicelli with your hands, pour into a cup and pour over mayonnaise, leaving to infuse.
  2. Add chopped eggs and crushed garlic there, mix everything.
  3. You can make this salad more nutritious and satisfying by adding grated cheese, corn and herbs.

Instant noodles with shrimp flavor will be an excellent base for a fish salad with canned pink salmon and cheese. The vermicelli should be lightly broken and poured with boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain all the liquid. Grind boiled eggs and mash canned food. Finely chop the onion, mix everything, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

You can put the original chicken noodle salad with pine nuts on the festive table; none of the guests will guess what is included in the dish!

  1. The noodles should be slightly broken, mixed with nuts, peeled sunflower seeds and butter, and put everything in the oven for 8 minutes (200C).
  2. Add finely chopped boiled chicken, chopped green onions, and canned peas to the cooled mixture.
  3. This salad should be seasoned with a mixture of soy sauce with lemon juice, rice or apple cider vinegar, vegetable oil and a pinch of sugar.

Recipe for instant noodle salad with carrots and sausage

Let's start preparing a simple instant noodle salad by preparing the necessary ingredients.

Let's start cooking, my recipe will help with this with a photo of preparing noodle salad with sausage and carrots.

1.Take a cup and crumble dry instant noodles into small pieces. I used Anakom chicken noodles, you can use Rolton and any other noodles you like.

2. Now grate the carrots on a coarse grater and add them to the noodles.

3. Then cut the boiled eggs not very finely and add to our salad.

4. Cut the sausage into squares and add to the rest of the ingredients.

5. Add finely grated cheese to the salad; you can use any cheese.

6. Add spices to taste, I added garlic, pepper, salt.

7. Season the resulting salad with mayonnaise, you can replace it with sour cream.

8. Mix everything well, let the salad brew for 20 minutes so that the instant noodles become soft. This is such a delicious salad we got.

To prepare a salad with rollton, the recipe includes the following ingredients:

Instant noodles (Rollton or another similar brand) - 1 pack;
Boiled sausage - 200g;
Boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
Medium carrot (raw) - 1 pc.;
Low-fat mayonnaise - 1 pack (200 gr.).

Option for preparing salad with “Rollton”:

First step:
Finely break instant noodles into a clean deep plate and pour in 3/4 pack of mayonnaise.

Second step:

Leave the noodles covered in mayonnaise in a cool place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. After a certain time, it will soften enough and begin to resemble processed cheese.

Third step:

While the noodles are soaking in mayonnaise, boil the chicken eggs and let them cool. After this, peel off the shells and grate on a medium grater. Then peel the carrots (fresh) and grate them on the same grater as the eggs. The sausage must be cut into small cubes or thin slices.

Fourth step:

After the Rolton noodles have softened, add all the previously prepared ingredients: carrots, chopped sausage and eggs. Then mix all the combined ingredients.

Fifth step:

Add the rest of the mayonnaise to the salad mixture and mix thoroughly.

Sixth step:

Carefully transfer the prepared salad into a salad bowl and garnish with herbs (parsley, dill or green, chopped onions).

Please note that the prepared salad must be consumed immediately and not stored in the refrigerator.

Because the noodles may become hard. Note that guests who do not know about the composition of the salad are unlikely to be able to guess that the main ingredient of the recipe is instant noodles. Salad with rollton recipe, which is very simple, very original and tasty. At the same time, everyone who tries it will like it!

  • 2 packs of “quick” noodles or 100 g pasta,
  • 2 boiled eggs,
  • 50-100 g sausage (best cooked and smoked),
  • 2 pickled cucumbers,
  • 1 medium fresh cucumber,
  • 2-3 tablespoons of mayonnaise (sour cream),
  • 1 small onion,
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare this hearty salad, you need instant noodles (Mivina, Rollton, Doshirak), mayonnaise, and low-price sausage. However, if you adhere to a healthy diet, you can quite successfully change a couple of ingredients in the recipe: take good pasta or pasta (any kind, even horns), sour cream, and boiled meat. A quick salad with Rollton and sausage is an ordinary dish, but in some cases it can be used to add variety to the festive table, or also taken with you to a picnic. It is good both warm (as a warming winter option) and cold.

This cheap and tasty salad is prepared like this:

Some housewives prepare a salad with Rollton without brewing the noodles. They simply mix all the ingredients, pour mayonnaise over them and let the dish sit for about 30 minutes. During this time, the noodles seep in juices and mayonnaise and become soggy - and they don’t need more to be ready!

There are many options for pasta salad. Having remembered them all, you can modify this recipe by changing and adding some ingredients.

Yes, you can also put in this dish:

    Grated hard cheese. It is better to sprinkle it over the hottest pasta so that it melts a little.

    Other vegetables. Pieces of sweet pepper, tomato (halved cherry tomatoes will look beautiful), carrots.

    Corn(boiled or from a jar).


    Ham, boiled (smoked) chicken, turkey, hunting sausages.

    Shrimp or canned fish(eg tuna).

    Instead of mayonnaise or sour cream, you can prepare refueling more interesting: 3 parts vegetable oil (preferably virgin olive), 2 parts wine vinegar, 1 part lemon juice, salt, pepper, dried basil, oregano or Italian herbs.

Bon appetit!

P.S. Want to learn something new? In this video they will tell you that pasta salad is a dish not only of student or Italian cuisine, but also of German cuisine.

Hi all! Alex is with you again. Today is Sunday, which means you can get up later and eat something less healthy for lunch :)

In general, I don’t know how it happened, but I wanted a rollton. Moreover, there was no desire to simply pour boiling water over the noodles and quickly eat them. Then I remembered how in my student years we prepared a salad from rollton. The salads were different, but always cheap and satisfying. And this, you see, is very important for a student. Well, today I decided to remember this very recent youth and make myself a Rollton salad, and at the same time treat my wife to it.

I’ll say right away that I remembered different recipes, especially green peas, but after rummaging on the Internet, I refreshed my memory of another one, without peas, which we also once cooked.

So, to prepare a rollton salad we will need the following ingredients: the actual “hero of the occasion” – rollton (its Polish version), 100 grams of crab sticks, 2 tomatoes, 3 boiled eggs, onions, herbs and a spoon of mayonnaise.

First, break the rollton, pour boiling water over it and add the spices that came with the pasta in the bag. Try not to overcook the noodles in the water so that they don’t become too soft. Overcooked noodles will not look very good, and the taste will be so-so. Personally, I waited 5 minutes, but a lot depends on what brand of vermicelli you choose. Next, stir, drain the water and cool the pasta.

Then cut the eggs, crab sticks and tomatoes into small cubes, cut the onion (if you don’t want its sharp taste to be heard in the salad, you can scald it with boiling water).

After all the preparation, add onions, crab sticks, tomatoes, eggs, and herbs to the noodles, one by one. Add a spoon of mayonnaise. You can add salt to the salad, but I didn’t add salt because I used the seasoning that came with the noodles, and there is mayonnaise in the salad. It turns out like this... we take a photo...

At the last stage, we mix everything that comes out and give it to a neighbor (in my case, my wife) to taste.

Salad Rollton is ready. It turned out cheap, tasty and satisfying. Bon appetit!

We have prepared a video for you on how to prepare Rollton salad.